Ganga: Is it really pure and holy?
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Ganga: Is it really pure and holy?

Ganges: the Elixir of Life.

Ganges: Goddess Ganga personified.

Ganges: the ever flowing and the ever pure. How can we, common mortals, ever question its purity?

I believe that history experienced the Ganges to be pure, the present finds it holy and the future will respect  its purity.

So friends, I reiterate, how can we ever question its purity?

Nelson, a British physician did considerable research and found that samples of Ganges’ water , taken from the dirtiest mouths at Hooghly remained fresh even after months together.

S Bhargava, Indian Environment Professor and Ernest Hanbury Hankin, an English bacteriologist in their journal have documented the presence of an unknown substance that gives River Ganga self-cleansing properties and leads to oxygen levels of 25% higher than any other river in the world .

The fact that millions of Hindus take bath in the Ganges, many with contagious diseases, but there is not even a single instance recorded in history of any disease spreading from taking a bath in the river, proves my point.

This, dear friends, is the Gangajal, this is that Brahmadravya , the holy water of the Ganga which ascended form the milky way to the Valleys of India for the resurrection of mankind .


Ganges: A mother to the Indian civilisation.
Ganges: Ever loving, ever caring, ever giving.
Ganges: The epitome of purity.
Would you still call it impure ?
Would you still call it unholy ?
Think again.

1 Comment
  • Rajasree Riy
    Posted at 15:36h, 12 July Reply

    It is always a treat to read your blog
    God bless you

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